Wednesday 9 May 2012

Fate Be Damned

Karen Y Bynum has a blog with a variety of content. She interviews authors, participates in blog tours and hops, and offers her personal writing advice as well.

How do you keep a balance between all that variety?

My minimum goal is to do 2 blog posts per month, but ideally I would like to do one post per week. I try to keep variety on my site by rotating between, writing tips, interviews, info about me/my books and giveaways. Want to keep the reader intrigued!

I think you do that very well, a skill I'm sure many of us envy. You participate in a number of blog hops. How do you find them? Have you found some are better than others?

Actually I can't take credit for this. I have a lovely virtual assistant, Florence Price, who knows my interests and tastes and finds the right hops for me to participate in. So far I really enjoyed the I Am A Reader Not A Writer hop.

An assistant, I could use one of those. That blog hop looks very intriguing, one of the things I always wonder about blog hops is how much is reaching readers and how much is between writers. How do you choose who/which books to interview or review on your blog?

So far I have chosen to interview authors who have contacted me directly first. They have been fun and intriguing interviews. Soon I will start seeking out specific authors to interview.

Considers proposing herself for an interview. I see. Your writing tips seem to come from your own writing experiences. Do you write them when they strike?

Normally a blog title will pop into my head, or a shimmer of an idea...then I will jot down a few key points and start writing the post. And, yes, the posts do come from my own writing experiences.

How did you build your audience? Do you feel they are mostly readers, other writers who read your work, or another group?

I'm fairly new to the blogging world...I just started in February of this year. But I've been building my audience through Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads and blog hops. I would say that currently my readership is other authors/writers. I would like to seek out more readers though.

Wouldn't we all?! Thank you so much for your answers. Her debut novel, Witch Way To Turn, is scheduled for release through Lyrical Press on August 6. If you have any questions for Karen, please leave them in the comments!