I found my publishers (Red Sage, Crimson Romance, The Wild Rose Press, and Samhain) by asking fellow authors who they liked working with and then researching each publisher and the acquiring editor(s) by searching the web. I read articles, blogs, and reviewed FB and website pages. I looked for houses and editors that I thought would be a good match for specific manuscripts. For example, Samhain was starting their ‘Retro’ imprint intended for re-issues and new editions of previously published work. Originally published in 2001, my medieval romance, A True and Perfect Knight, was an ideal fit for the Retro imprint. Red Sage is one of the first houses to specialize in Erotic Romance and thus were a terrific place for my Sexy Sailor Series.
Where did the inspiration for your stories come from?
I get inspiration from all sorts of people, places and things. Setting, historical events, and classic literature tend to inspire my historical romances. The Wildfire Love series (One Moment’s Pleasure, One Night’s Desire and One Day’s Loving) was inspired by my travels to San Francisco, Yellowstone National Park and Boston MA respectively. A True and Perfect Knight was inspired by Chaucer’s Knight’s Tale from The Canterbury Tales combined with events of Edward I’s wars with the Welsh. Oddly enough, location and personal experience (not of the erotic variety) inspire my erotic romances. The Widow’s Revenge is set in Lake Tahoe, the last place I visited with my mother. Off Limits and Hazard Duty (Sexy Sailors 1 & 2) draw on my ten years experience in the USN for technical details about the Navy. The men and women of the US armed forces also have a great deal to do with how I develop the characters for those books.
How long has the writing process been from outline to print?
The process varies depending on the complexity and length of the story. I can draft and polish a simple short novella (25,000 words or less) in about four weeks. Longer more complicated manuscripts will take eight to twelve weeks.
Hazard Duty ~ Sexy Sailors # 2
Joe Hazard filled all of Ros Duncan’s teenaged fantasies, but now she’s an adult with a mission, and no handsome sailor will get in her way. The first in her family to earn a college education, she escaped Bird’s Gap, the deadly dull, stifling town of her childhood and the scene of her most embarrassing memories. However as principal of Bird’s Gap High School she wants to see every child in town go to college not be forced to chose between working in the mines or risking life and limb in the military.
Hazard Duty will be available for purchase on July 01, 2013. If you’d like to read an excerpt of follow this link . Please leave a comment and let me know if the story intrigues you. Everyone who comments will have their e-mail address entered into a drawing for a free download of Hazard Duty. You may also enter by leaving a review of one of my other books at Amazon. Just check my author page for book details. I’ll be collecting entries throughout the entire Hazard Duty blog tour (June 24 – July 1—find the schedule of appearances at http://rueallyn.com/4News.html). The winner will be announced July 4th on my blog.