Saturday 28 May 2016

Come and Get My Sexy ~ WIP @MySexySaturday #MySexySaturday #MySexyAuthors #Saturday7 #MSS143

Happy Saturday! I have a sample from a WIP, Changes, that is still looking for a home. I can't wait to let Heidi loose on my unsuspecting readers! (Oh, who am I kidding, my readers have to be suspecting something like this. LOL)

“Hey, sweet thing, can I see that ass again?” The rough man leaned on the scaffolding, stretching his shirt across his chest.
“Maybe.” Heidi walked past him into the site.
“Those don’t look steel-toed to me.” He nodded at her boots.
“No? Let’s find out.” She brought her foot up into his groin. The kick had force but wasn’t intended to do real harm. He buckled over and Heidi pushed him, making him fall to his knees. She pulled the gate shut, hiding them from the road and the passersby.
“Felix? Are you ready for me?”
“My name isn’t—“ He was silenced by the leather glove she shoved in his mouth. He brought his hand up and she pulled her top off.
“Behave, Felix, or I’ll go home right now.”

Check out all the other sexy teasers by these great authors!