I had been meaning to keep up-dating my blog but due to writing and working I often don't have the time to up-date my blog and having never had a blog before it is sometimes hard for me to know what to write.
What kept you busy in the months between?
It is mainly writing, there have been a few personal issues here and there that have made me temporarily take a break from my writing - but also some pretty awesome things have happened too, so it hasn't been all bad.
Glad to hear that! Have you been doing things other than blogging in the meantime?
Always good when you can base things on real experience. Sounds like a great friend. Do you have a release date and publisher?
I do have a publisher - but no release date as yet, the publisher is being very kind to me understanding my personal issues and telling me to get the book to them as soon as I can.
It's great when you can find someone to work with that really cares. Do you have a plan leading up to your release? What other things do you intend to do to get your name out to your audience?
I hope they give you great ideas. My blog has a lot of information from bloggers on building a following. I recommend Triberr. Have you found any circles or publicity sites or other resources that will help you?
I think facebook is great resource to help people promote their published work, I also have a job where the clients are always wanting up-dates and I know a few local radio stations that may also help me.
The hardest part, I guess, is knowing really what to write and what people want to see. I don't want to do a boring blog, but again not sure what to write. I'm new to blogging as an author.
shameless self-plug I have many interviews with ideas for blog topics and prompts. Are you participating in NaNoWriMo? I abandoned the second novella for mine.
I was participating, and the working towards a goal really helped motivate me, however I did not meet the target and I forgot again to up-date my progress, but there is always next year
There is! Hope I do better next year... sigh Have you seen any blog prompt challenges that might push you to post more often?
Again I think NaNoWriMo and generally any goals, personal or public really help me, I like working to a deadline that is achievable and that also pushes me a little to do better than I think, I kind of like the stress of wondering if I'll make it and the satisfaction of knowing I did it.
I came back to my blog with the August #blogflash2012. It prompted me to get my butt back on blogger. Does daily life get in the way of writing more than blogging? Do you put your time into writing and that is why your blog sits idle (I ask this because it is the reason my lapses!)
Yes, I think it does lapse because I write. I often forget to post because I get in from my day-time job and go straight to writing and often loose track or time.
Well, I can certainly understand that. You can find Alaine/Anna on Facebook and Twitter.